Why Network Marketing is the Holy Grail for Actors

Julia Jackson - Why Network Marketing is the Holy Grail for Actors

Ok maybe not the Sexiest title–but you heard me right!?   Gosh! I have wanted to write about this topic for so long–here I am!

I am SO thankful you are here-let me tell you one thing- YOU were meant to be here–you were meant to hear this message. Promise. Lets dive in

I’ve been a performer for as long as I can remember.  It dates all the way back to pre school church choir.  Nothing fills my cup more than creating art, singing at the top of my lungs and dancing for Jesus! (Quite literally if where I started was church choir lol)  It’s my heart, it’s my passion, it’s what I DO.  I’ve done the gamete–community theatre, equity theatre, dance shows, improv, crazy industrial gigs…It’s all part of the game.  You take what you can get, you work hard and you pray for your perfect bucket list shows to come up on your favorite theaters season.  The people, the lights the costumes, the JOY you bring to an audience.  It’s an incredibly fulfilling career!  What I found that it is NOT–is stable.

Wahhhh wahhhhh–did I just take you down a dark and twisty road?  Sorry!  Promise I will show you the silver lining.

So ok-we love what we do, we THRIVE, we are not stuck doing something we hate like most of America.  We are blessed-beyond measure.  The caveat comes in paying our damn bills.  Ahh adult life-why have you forsaken me!?  They are real, they pile up, and despite our best effort to live a life full of fun and freedom there are responsibilities that we have as grown ups-Lame.

Actors deal with an extreme amount of ebb and flow in terms of our income.  Busy season, slow season, jobs for months, nothing on the horizon.  It’s incredibly unpredictable and sometimes downright scary.  You are paid based on physically being present, no sick days, no retirement plan, no 401K, and certainly no way to create a residual long lasting income.  I don’t know about you but that seriously stressed me out.  While the Actor life looks fun and carefree on Instagram, you know when it all shakes out you are working HARD and its physically demanding on your body and soul.  And at the end of the day you just don’t get paid enough for how hard you are working.  Again I know–seems like a downer post.  Lol.

So lets talk about why Coaching is ideal for Actors.  I’m specifically talking about Beachbody Coaching.  Friends!  My life has been TRANSFORMED, completely flipped upside down by this opportunity.  It’s now my passion and calling to share it with YOU.  Let’s take a second and break down what Network Marketing is–I know you might have some negative ideas surrounding those words.  So many people think network marketing is a scam.  A quick google search and you’ll find pages of blog articles that savor strongly of bitterness from people who were either taken advantage of or who just weren’t cut out for it.  But I challenge you to open your heart and mind for a minute and consider that there might be good and bad network marketers out there (just like there’s a few bad seeds that ruin it for everyone in every industry) and that as an actor you are already leading a non-traditional career life.  Why not investigate another one?  Hear me out on this, I’m trying to help you find a light at the end of your tunnel like I did.

Julia Jackson


What a magical concept!  You see-as you build up your Beachbody Business two things happen.  You start helping yourself and those around you–that feels good!  Next as you start to earn income you start earning RESIDUALLY-meaning you get paid the same weather you show up or take a day off.  I took a full week off of my business last spring to go on an all expense paid Beachbody trip that I earned.  While in the Caymen Islands I got my weekly paycheck, even though I was on vacation.  Beacause the work I had been doing was compounding and I earned income from what was happening even as I was away.  My income is not dependent on me being physically present.  Can you imagine the kind of freedom this can allow?  (Ex: what if you had a wonderfully abundant incoming residual income coming in so that you could travel to the auditions you wanted to do?  Visit friends and family in between a contract?  Without money being the deciding factor for all decisions–cool!!


As an actor you are starting at an advantage over everyone else!  Why?  Because you’ve already proven that you’ve got moxie!  You know how to promote yourself and get the word out online.  You have great pics of yourself.  You know how to use social media, to share your story, to connect.  And odds are, you know how to make stuff that looks beautiful because you’re a talented creative!  Think of all the people who have “normal” jobs that don’t know how to use social media, or make pictures look pretty=you are already ahead of the game!!


As theatre peeps we are always there to lend a hand.  We love our theatre community and fellow actors.  However-sometimes there is a sense of competition and overwhelm when it comes to casting and other ways of getting ahead.  People want to help you-but not that much!  Ha!  What I love most about the Beachbody community is the TRUE and 100% unselfish ways we help each other.  In Beachbody, one person’s success is linked to the others.  It’s a rising water lifts all ships sort of situations.  I give 100% of my tools, ideas, and help away to the coaches on my team.  I want them to be successful as much as possible!  And if I have something that will help them do that I’m happy to give it to them.  I’m always open to sharing what has worked for my business and I want that success to be passed on to you as a new coach!


As an actor its vital to take good care of your body–its your business!  Have you felt like you have let your health and fitness take a back seat to the hustle and bustle of your regular life?  It’s hard to put ourselves first.  Luckily the Coaching opportunities requires first you FILL YOUR CUP.  By starting a new fitness program that will help you reach your goals and Drinking Shakeology *superfood all natural meal replacement* you are going to feel AMAZING!  Plus-if you are either on the road traveling with a show or have expensive gym costs you can have the ease of online streaming workout DVDS my celebrity trainers–helllloooooo SHAWN T!  A part of this job is working on our own health and wellness, is that not so cool?  Healthy food, fitness, fun, personal development, positivity.


You can be a coach from anywhere.  You can fit it into your life as it is now.  And you can build it ALONGSIDE your artistic dreams if you want to.  You can create steady income for yourself to relieve some of the pressure from your theatre life.  You can build an income that supports you in your slow seasons.  You can supplement your income so you can take less meh shows and more that make you come alive creatively!  It’s the holy grail!  Steady income and dream shows at the same time.  How many of us dream of this but get so bogged down with work just to pay the bills that we never have time to pursue those creative projects that make our hearts ache with excitement?  I know it was happening to me before this!

Julia Jackson

So!  Could this be you?  Is there something that stirred in you-that made you excited about a NEW kind of future?  A future that nurtures and cares for your dreams, goals and lets you live freely?  I am looking for more YOU!  I want people just like us.  Peeps who know the grind, love their art and need a platform for CHANGE.  I want to help you build something magical that can enhance your life in more ways than you can imagine.  I want to mentor you, teach you, train you to do what I do.  I learned how to do this business while is a show, I took time in my schedule to invest in my health and learning a new business and I have grown it into a 6 figure business WITH the freedom to pursue any show, art or dream that comes to mind, without the limitation of money.  I’m guessing you already have what it takes!  YOU are a creative, YOU step outside your comfort zone every day to bring light life and laughter to those around you!  What if you could spread that vision further to influence and make a difference in others lives.  THATS WHAT ITS ALL ABOUT!  Hot dog!

I want you to have the pressure lifted off of you like I have.  I want you to be able to pay your bills with ease and not worry about picking up shifts.  I want you to feel vibrant and fulfilled from the inside out.  I want you to have space to choose the shows and projects that FUEL you.  I want you to be able to pay off old debt and be free from financial burden.  I want to create a whole community of like minded actors who care about their health and their financial future.  Lets connect and chat!  I would love to hear more about your goals and see if this is a good fit for you!  Ready to know more?  Fill out this quick application to see when my next Mentorship group starts :)