The Benefits of Decluttering, Room by Room

If you have read a typical minimalism blog, it can be super intimidating and overwhelming. That’s why I have embraced a more  sustainable approach to living simply (even with kids!), while still leaving room for messes, laughter, and candles from Target. And the first big step to this simpler life is, yup, you guessed it, decluttering the house. 

Decluttering your house is a big job, which is why I absolutely do NOT recommend that you do it all at once! Instead, I always tell my students to start small, so you can get some wins at the very beginning. By just cleaning out the junk drawer, you will get such a sense of satisfaction that you will want to move on to the next mess. Can you imagine what decluttering an entire ROOM would feel like? Then a whole FLOOR? Oh my - and what about the *gulp* garage? Wouldn’t it feel amazing? 

I have been there and done that, and the benefits of living clutter-free with a place for everything has been… life changing.

So before I let you in on the benefits of decluttering, room by room, I have four tips for you to keep in mind through the process. 

4 Things to Keep in Mind While Decluttering

  1. Mental Benefits. Physical clutter creates mental clutter. So, the less we have in our physical eyesight, the less “busy” your brain is. Some people swear they aren’t bothered by physical clutter, but even if you don’t feel bothered, it is still true that when you sit down to work at a disorganized and messy desk, it is more difficult to get started and keep going than when it is clear and organized. 

  2. Your Home is Not a Storage Unit. Your home is not meant to just store “stuff”, and should not be a dumping ground for everything and everything. That’s just not good for anybody! 

  3. Everything Has a Place. Embrace the idea that there needs to be a place for everything. When you are limited by the size of your house, a room or a closet, you need to really consider what you put into it. Do you really need another “thing”? If so, decide what needs to go, so you can make room for it. 

  4. You Don’t Need Duplicates. It can be easy to buy a lot of something that is on sale, or that you really love. But that can really add to a lot of clutter! Will that item go on sale again before you need it? Do you really need another pair of black shoes? Often, we overbuy when just one of something would suffice.

Room by Room Benefits of Decluttering

So here is where it gets FUN. As you start decluttering your home, you will realize benefits beyond just being “tidier”.

So many things will become easier, more fun, and you will notice changes you never expected.

Main Living or Family Area: It’s easier to pick up after the kids when there is less to pick up, and everything has a place. There is more space for rest, relaxation and connection with your family and guests, and you can finally enjoy the space as it is intended.

Kitchen: The kitchen tends to be the heart of the home, and thus can set the tone for the whole house, so it’s a great place to start the decluttering process. You may find you enjoy cooking more, when you can find what you need as you are making a recipe or meal. It’s easier to clean (yay!). When you know what is in the pantry, you will spend less money buying duplicates and can be inspired by the ingredients you have on hand. 

Dining Room: If your table is full of papers and toys, it is hard to eat a meal together. So once that mess is gone, you can enjoy connecting over a meal with your family again and maybe even invite others over for dinner. You can create beauty and tradition in the dining room as you spend more time there, perhaps with a Sunday meal or holiday gatherings. 

Office: Rather than feeling stressed out in your office space, you will feel calm and organized. You will be able to get to work faster, and accomplish tasks with ease when you are organized with your paperwork, bills, etc. 

Bathroom: Since it is usually the first place you go in the morning, it is so lovely to have an inviting space where you can enjoy getting ready for your day. Plus, it is way easier to clean a clear countertop than one filled with products. 

Laundry Room: Again, when you know what you have you won’t buy duplicates, which saves you money and space! I love to buy Method cleaning products when they are on sale, but no one needs six bottles of surface cleaner on hand. Also, when everything is organized, laundry just flows much smoother.

Your Bedroom: Creating a relaxing atmosphere helps with better sleep (and better sex!). This is your space to create a luxury getaway for you to retreat to, and to connect with your partner in.  

Closets: You can find what you want faster and you aren’t faced with so many decisions, when everything in your closet makes you feel good and fits you well. You will feel more confident when you don’t need to paw through items that are worn out, don’t fit, or you just don’t really like anymore. 

Toys & Kids’ Stuff: When you declutter kids’ items, it creates an environment of no duplicates or distractions. It is easier for them (and you) to find what they want, and also quicker to clean up. An added benefit is that they will learn limits and boundaries on how many toys they can have.

Basement/Garage/Attic: These catch-all storage spaces are a challenge, and I admit that the garage was the last place we tackled in our home. The biggest benefit here is… IT IS FINALLY DONE! Well, that was our reaction, anyway. But seriously, parking the car in the garage is not a dangerous task anymore! Taking carseats in and out of the car is no big deal anymore. You may also find “hidden” spaces that you can now use for crafts, playspaces, or even a spare room! And the next time you can take off on a ski trip, you know exactly where you skis are (without having to climb over the holiday decorations first.)

It can be overwhelming to imagine decluttering and organizing the whole house, but I am living proof that it can be done with a bit of time and patience. (AND!!! I’m creating a step by step simple course for moms that will teach you all of it —SIGN UP HERE FOR THE WAIT LIST—)

In the beginning, I was scattered and felt like I could never get on top of the mess… And now, I have a home that I love to be in! I know where things are, and I’m not wasting time moving piles of “stuff” from one room to another, or trying to find a screwdriver to open the battery pack on a Paw Patrol toy (again). 

So, tell me - what room do YOU dream of decluttering? What would that feel like for you?



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