How a Kids’ Capsule Wardrobe Saved My Sanity

The magic of a capsule wardrobe

There is a wee misconception floating around out there that capsule wardrobes are only for Instagram influencers and fashion lovers. I’m not sure where that rumor started, but Momma, let me tell you - a capsule wardrobe is about SO much more than looking good.

In fact, creating a curated closet for my daughter just may have saved my sanity.

😩 ➡️ 😎Then vs now

Before this whole closet-organizing business, our mornings were pretty predictable - but not in a good way! Every day there would be some sort of meltdown about getting ready. Sometimes it was my four-year old daughter losing it. Sometimes it was me. And it was all the closet’s fault. Why? 

Hazel wants to dress herself. Cool. Except that usually means she wants to wear a winter sweater on the hottest day of the year, or is intent on wearing a specific dress that’s now too small, or she wants to find her favorite shoes, but no one knows where they are. Her closet was overflowing, and neither one of us could ever find what we wanted. 

On my side, I’m freaking out that we need to get out the door, while trying to negotiate with a four year old in her underwear. “Why is this taking so long? Just pick something… but not THAT! Arg, where are your socks??” Each morning when we finally got to preschool, I’d be frustrated and she’d already had an emotional breakdown. Super enjoyable, right?


Say goodbye once and for all to your kids' messy, cluttered and overstuffed closet with my

“Kids Capsule in an Hour” live workshop!!

Watch your kids get themselves dressed and ready consistently, so you can enjoy your morning and help them get out the door with ease and grace (and not yell at each other AGAIN about the dang lost light-up Minnie Mouse tennis shoes with sparkles…) 


And then - I discovered the magic of a capsule wardrobe

Now, Hazel often comes out of her room fully (and appropriately) dressed before I even ask her to! The clothes fit. They are seasonally appropriate. And she is proud of the look she put together all on her own. As for me? I get to drink my coffee while it’s hot, and not have to figure out how to explain (again) that a summer dress doesn’t work in February.

What is a capsule wardrobe, anyway?

So I’ve convinced you that capsule wardrobes can save your morning mental health, but what IS it, exactly?

👚👖 A capsule wardrobe is a set of clothes that can be mixed and matched together in a variety of ways, is seasonally appropriate, and that fits well. Adults have been doing this for themselves for years, and I think the benefits for kids are even more important.

The benefits of a kids’ capsule wardrobe

Less choice = less overwhelm + more satisfaction 

When I let Hazel choose from her overflowing closets, she had to deal with items she didn’t like, didn’t fit, couldn’t find, or Mom didn’t like. This ended up with her not being happy with what she was wearing, feeling she didn’t have much control, and/or being frustrated at the whole process. And it’s not just my kid! Research shows that when faced with too many options, children take longer to come to a decision (if at all), and are less satisfied with their choice in the end. 

If relieving your child of too many morning choices isn’t enough to consider a capsule wardrobe, other benefits of this pared-down closet are:

  • Less clothes to wear means less laundry to wash.

  • Outfits are always seasonally appropriate.

  • Kids feel proud and in control of their “look”.

  • Everything fits!

  • Less fighting, negotiating, and crying in the morning.

  • A more leisurely pace to start the day. 

  • Less visual clutter - something that I LOVE!

But the number one, most AMAZING part of building a kids’ capsule wardrobe? It takes less than an hour to do. 

I don’t care how stuffed your kids’ closet is with ill-fitting, mismatched, out of season, hand me down, dress-up, and random items of clothing. If you have an hour, you can create a kids’ capsule wardrobe that you love, they love, and doesn’t require a shopping trip for more clothes or unnecessary organizing solutions

If you’re ready to FINALLY leave the morning clothing meltdowns behind (theirs and yours!), then you need my Kids’ Capsule Workshop. So snag your seat to the workshop, watch the training, and walk away with your kids’ closet decluttered in less than an hour (using the clothes they already own!).