Do You Need a Professional Organizer?


When it comes to decluttering and organizing, it can be overwhelming to start. Believe me, I’ve been there. Our home was bursting at the seams with sippy cups, bows, rompers, and wooden toys, and we had so. much. stuff. If you’re overwhelmed with life, home, children, cooking, cleaning, managing schedules, work, activities, and all of the things while attempting to also maintain your home, you are not alone. It can be extremely daunting to know how and where to start, and how to maintain the small dents you manage to put in the chaos. 

But first, the good news: there is nothing wrong with you if this describes your life. We live in a culture that tells us to have more, buy more, do more, and it’s hard to fight that. But there IS light at the end of the tunnel when you choose to become aware and live more purposefully. 

If you’ve tried to declutter before and weren’t successful, it doesn’t mean you’ll never accomplish it. You just may need to call in the reinforcements! Here are seven reasons you may want to consider working with a professional organizer. 

7 Reasons You Need a Professional Organizer

  1. You desperately want to declutter and clear your space but don’t know where to start. You get overwhelmed, and find yourself falling down the rabbit hole where one project leads to another and another, and nothing gets completed. Instead, you find yourself surrounded by a jumbled pile of clothes, broken toys, and tears of frustration. 

  2. You’re getting ready to move or have just moved. This is a great opportunity to intentionally go through all of your stuff to create a new, polished, beautiful living space. 

  3. You have kids. Kids come with a lot of things, and as you transition from one stage to the next, you can get bogged down with the things you don’t need anymore taking up space. Yes, there is a lot of sense in keeping baby items if you’re planning on having more, but if not? It’s time to stop tripping over exersaucers, the toys they don’t play with anymore, and clothes that no longer fit. 

  4. You can’t or don’t want to make time to do it alone. A tidy and clean home feels refreshing and exciting, but if you don’t have the time or hate organizing, hiring help just makes sense. 

  5. You’ve thought about renting a storage unit for your stuff. If you’ve become so overwhelmed with your things that you’re about to rent a space far away from your home to store it, stop! It’s likely that with a little help, you can clear the space you’re craving and not have to spend a monthly fee to store things you don’t want to look at anymore. 

  6. You often buy duplicates because you don’t know or remember what you have or where they are. Your clutter is costing you money, and it’s time to put a stop to it.

  7. You’re ashamed of your home and don’t want to have people over. I think it’s lovely to invite people over and share time in a space that feels welcoming and joyful, and your home shouldn’t stop you from doing that. 


If you’re motivated but overwhelmed,

hiring a declutter or organizing expert could be exactly what you need, which is why I’m launching in-person decluttering sessions for the overwhelmed moms in the metro-Denver area. 🥳🎉

Doing this work is a passion of mine, and I love helping moms feel more confident and empowered in their homes, to be able to find their stuff, manage what they’re doing, and actually spend time with their families without resenting their homes and stuff. I can see the potential beauty even in the most clutter-filled rooms, so don’t worry about being judged. 

The truth is that you don’t need another house, a bigger house, or someone else’s house to enjoy your life and be filled with purpose. Let me help you work out all the details, and turn your overwhelm into a simple, beautiful, and easy to take care of home that you love. 

If this sounds like a dream come true and you live in the Denver area, click here to get started! 

➡️➡️➡️ And if you live further away but still need help, stay tuned for the Harmonized Home course coming later this year.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how dreamy would it be to have help organizing all of your things?

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