5 ways to stay healthy on a shoestring budget

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Wanting to eat well and nourish your body can feel like a giant undertaking. Expensive yoga memberships, shopping at Whole Foods, and planning out perfectly balanced meals leave us feeling overwhelmed. This overwhelm leads to eating out, pre packaged foods for convenience, and no exercise. It’s exactly the opposite of what we are trying to accomplish.

Sometimes it feels like if we can’t do it ALL, we dont do ANY OF IT. #amiright?

What if we took a simpler, more calm approach to health? What if I could show you how to simplify your wellness, move towards your goals, and not be a crazy health nut? 🙌🏽

It’s not about being skinny or getting your “body back” after baby. It’s about having energy to play with your kids and living a long and fulfilling life!

I promise you, staying healthy does not have to break the bank.

Here are 5 tips to create healthier habits without spending the big bucks!

  1. Ask for discounts at local farmers markets.

    If you show up towards the end of the day and they are packing up, you are more likely to get a good deal. Tell them you are on a budget but you care about feeding your family nourishing, local foods. In general, farmers markets are a great place to buy fresh produce because there is no inflation in pricing or a middle man to deal with. It goes from their farm right to your table. It’s awesome! And you get to support local farmers and their businesses.

  2. Eat mostly produce.

    Ok I know this sound like a #duh, but hear me out. If you were to track your last week of meals, how many veggies and fruits do you think you actually ate? Chances are it’s WAY under what you would have wanted. Think about filling your plate up mostly with veggies first then adding in some proteins, fats and carbs. Veggies (even organic ones) are significantly cheaper than meats, pre packaged meals, or pretty much anything else in the grocery store. They are filled with fiber and are REAL FOODS (think about foods kids would know the names of. ie-carrot, tomato, lettuce, apple, orange!)

  3. Workout at home or outside.

    I signed up for a fancy yoga membership last year with the goal of going just 3 times per week. It was about $130 a month and I went exactly ONCE per week--esshhh! The time it took me to get away from work, drive there, get a spot and then leave was close to two hours. Ain’t nobody got time for dat! If moving your body a few times a week is important to you (and I hope it is!)  consider walking or running outside, or even better signing up for a streaming workout app you can do from home. This one is hands down my favorite because there are over 100 workouts that are 30 minutes or less. For the cost of a fancy latte per month you can get access to netflix like streaming for workout. It’s the bomb!

  4. Keep healthy basics on hand.

    Having good ingredients available at home at all times, means you don’t get stuck eating food that doesn’t help create health. A simple dinner of rotisserie chicken, vegetables, and salad can cost a third of what dinner at a fast-food restaurant would! Keeping healthy basics stocked lets you throw together meals without a ton of planning. But you still know you will be happy with what you put on the table! Check out my free clean eating grocery list, these are the things I keep on hand for our family.

  5. Shop online.

    If you have an Amazon prime account you can access 2 hour free delivery for grocery orders over $35! (depending on where you live) This has been a game changer for our family. At the age our daughter is at right now it’s NO FUN to take her to the store and have her sit in the grocery cart. I usually end up leaving faster than I meant to because she is so squirmy, and I inevitably forget things. For the $5-7 tip charge, I feel like I save WAY more than that since I’m not tempted to buy things not on my list or impulse purchase my way through the candy and gum aisle. Lately I have been doing this and have been able to keep our groceries well under $100 a week .

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The ✨ RADIANCE CLUB ✨ is a monthly membership program where I give you the tools, inspiration, support, and community you need to be the kind of mother and human you are meant to be!  You’ll learn ways you can achieve harmony in your home, health, relationships and money and you will be supported every step of your journey. The Radiance Revolution will help you wake up excited for your life


Hi, I'm Julia

I help moms get healthy body and soul so they can be the mom and human they are meant to be!


The ✨ RADIANCE CLUB ✨ is a monthly membership program where I give you the tools, inspiration, support, and community you need to be the kind of mother and human you are meant to be!  You’ll learn ways you can achieve harmony in your home, health, relationships and money and you will be supported every step of your journey. The #MOMBOD Revolution will help you wake up excited for your life

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Snag my free Grocery List For busy moms who want to get healthy.

This is a great tool to have when you are at the store. #mombrain strikes, and you forget your list...;) 

Need more ideas, recipes and inspiration? Head on over to the blog to see! 

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You will also get my free clean eating grocery download, smoothie recipes and a ton more!